
TN AITC tractor simulator

Tennessee Farm Bureau’s AgSimulator is Tennessee Agriculture in the Classroom’s way to increase agricultural literacy and awareness of agriculture’s importance. Students and adults are able to experience the feel of a real harvester cab while true ag facts and harvest simulations play.

Watch the videos below for a glimpse of what life is like in the cab of a combine!

Let's Harvest CORN!

Corn is a major feed ingredient for Tennessee Poultry and is used in hundreds of other products. In one acre of corn, there is enough grain to produce more than 5,000 pounds of corn starch + 200 pounds of corn oil. Want to learn more?
Watch the videos!

Let's Harvest COTTON!

Cotton is used by the textile industry to make clothing and material. Tennessee produces roughly three percent of the cotton grown in the United States, ranking 11th in cotton production. Want to learn more?
Watch the videos!

Let's Harvest HAY!

Hay is simply grass that has been cut, allowed to dry and then bundled in round or square bales to feed livestock during the winter months. Tennessee farmers cut roughly 8 billion pounds of hay each year. Want to learn more?
Watch the videos!

Let's Harvest SOYBEANS!

Soybeans are an excellent protein source used in foods for both humans and livestock. Soybean oil is also used in cooking, and can also be used in inks, crayons, candles and in a number of processed foods. Want to learn more?
Watch the videos!

Let's Harvest WHEAT!

Wheat is ground up to make bread, pastries and pasta. Soft red winter wheat is used to make cakes, pastries, cookies and crackers. Want to learn more?
Watch the videos!

Let's Harvest TIMBER!

Timber is trees that are harvested for lumber, paper, poles, energy, and other wood products. More than 80 % of Tennessee’s forests are owned by private landowners. Want to learn more?
Watch the videos!

Let's Harvest CORN SILAGE!

Corn silage is a high-quality feed used on many dairy farms and some beef cattle farms. In Tennessee, corn silage is usually harvested in August before the corn plant dries down. Want to learn more?
Watch the videos!

Request the AgSimulator at your event:

The AgSimulator is available on a limited basis to Farm Bureau volunteer groups who agree to transport and care for the 16-foot trailer unit. Request the AgSimulator tractor at your event by filling out the form below:

  • Please put the city where the event will be held.
  • MM slash DD slash YYYY
  • MM slash DD slash YYYY
  • :