Tennessee Equine Census to Estimate State Equine Population and Industry Economic Impact

Published: July 15, 2022

The University of Tennessee Institute of Agriculture and the Tennessee Department of Agriculture are conducting a Tennessee Equine Census to determine the economic impact and demographics of the equine industry in Tennessee. This information is important to better understand the prevalence and scope of the equine industry in Tennessee. Data collected from it will help to inform future state programs, support and resources for the equine industry.

Individuals that own or lease a horse or other equid or have any involvement within the industry can participate. This includes local barns, farriers, veterinarians, trainers/coaches, feed/forage producers, equine service providers and any others that aid in making the Tennessee equine industry thrive. Participants must be over the age of 18 and living in the United States. Research survey participation is voluntary, and you may exit at any time. There are no known risks to you for participating. To complete this short research survey, go online to UTHorse.com and look for the Tennessee Equine Census logo. The census is ongoing through August 15, 2022.

This survey has been reviewed and approved by the Institutional Review Board at the University of Tennessee (UTK IRB 22-06761-XM). In the event of questions or difficulties of any kind during or following participation, you may contact the Principal Investigators, Jennie Ivey, associate professor of animal science and equine Extension specialist, at jzivey@utk.edu or 865- 974-3157 or Olivia Watson at owatson1@vols.utk.edu.

Through its land-grant mission of research, teaching and extension, the University of Tennessee Institute of Agriculture touches lives and provides Real. Life. Solutions. utia.tennessee.edu.